Friday, November 17, 2006

first blog, first post!

now, that was easy! creating a blog, i mean. many requested i do that to share my life changing experience, if you can call it that. so, here i am. having created a blog, or have google create it for me. i hereby post my first message.

shall i start from 2nd march 1971 (fateful day i was born), or shall i just start with the day i registered online eagerly for a chance of a lifetime of being chosen as an astronaut.

those were the days i proudly tell kamahraj, my dear colleague and friend at teknion furniture systems, that i do not read the newspapers for there's too much violence and bad news all over them that i do not wish to enlighten myself with. and he tells me to grow up. one of those days in the office, kamahraj tells me of this search for the first malaysian astronaut announced by our prime minister. and i ask him, what do i have to do? he says, lets go online and find out. and the rest is history!

we enrolled by giving our particulars, very few, such as age, race, education qualification and job. i got excited about it and told zaidi and nazif and probably got them to enrol as well! i think it was zaidi, our process engineer.
for the next week, we checked the website for any info, but all we got was how many thousands have enrolled themselves. kamahraj and i were probably the five thousandth two hundreth somethings...
and the numbers kept rising by the minute. very enthuasistic malaysians! very inspiring!
i had no idea what i was getting into, if i qualified to be an astronaut (if i qualified to be an astronaut?!) thats a laugh! who gets to wonder that at the age of 32? out of no where! thats how this program started for me. a dream! and today, it stays a dream ...


Unknown said...

Congratulations! Interesting write up! Keep it coming :)

dassara said...

life is worth living as long as there's the dream. Many just dream, some work on it. You did and the rest was up to god. Im very proud of you. In a way you did succeed. You are the astronaut whofor a brief moment let as all believe in ourselves as a community. In my mind, you're soaring right up there.